
Baby Sp8

 Pregnancy Ticker

Saturday, July 30, 2011

IV Therapy

However unflattering this picture may be. . . i had to journal this. yesterday my dr gave up on me and are going to get a permanent IV and do this from home. So underneath this beautiful purpleness is an IV baby sp8. I also am covering my mouth because of the lovely cold sore my dr said is caused by stress of losing too much weight too fast. Yes baby I still love you. you are just grounded till December. Love mom!

Monday, July 25, 2011

YAY!! Your first real Kickaroo!

Dear Baby,
Well I have been able to feel you kick for a couple weeks and its been awesome-ness! But dad hasn't been able to! Well today while watching the Bachelorette (which i will now assume you enjoy (or hate)) I felt a real kick! It was awesome! now i can show Wes when he gets home (provided you cooperate) It makes me really excited because it means everything is progressing in a fantastic way!

Well kick away! EXCEPT for when i am sleeping :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

15 Weeks

i stole this idea from my friend. On her blog she is answering the same questions every couple weeks:
yes i am already huge. but i have lost a ridiculous amount of weight. my dr says part of it is i am retaining water so some of it is bloating. 

How far along: 15 Weeks

Sleep: I can't sleep very well at all. Mostly because my bladder seems as though it needs to be emptied waayyyy to often. However, i am ALWAYS tired.

Best moment of the week: being able to eat again. 

Movement: a little flutter here and there but not so sure its the babe.

Labor Signs: None

Belly Button: looks the same

What i miss: THAI FOOD! I miss it terribly. and SUSHI! 

What I am looking forward to: Finding out the sex of the baby!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Your pretty little travel system!

The other day i was searching for a nice travel system. i wanted a bright color, and for it to be unisex so i can use it for more than one kiddo. I decided to search on KSL (a place where people can sell there used items.)

i found one that i loved.

Its Orange. i LOVE orange. not only that but it was extremely clean, which is hard when you are buying stuff secondhand.

It normally retails for 200.00 dollars....i got it for a whopping 80 bucks!

I was stoked....did i mention it was ORANGE!

14 Weeks ... and some change!

So we just went to Oregon to visit your Nana, G-pa, Uncle Travis, Auntie Nicole, Uncle Gilbert, and your cousins Sam, Desmond, and Max!

We had lots and lots of fun! Oregon is beautiful! Thankfully you were kind to me and I didn't get sick a whole lot. I was able to eat food and it was FANTASTIC!

 {your cousin Max :)}
 {one of the pretty lakes in Oregon}
 {a starfish along the beach}
{daddy and uncle travis being silly}