
Baby Sp8

 Pregnancy Ticker

Saturday, December 31, 2011

39 Weeks and Touchdown!!

This is by birth story. Typed by me. As it is happening. I wanted to be sure to remember every detail. Some of it may be PG-13 so if that weirds you out don't read it lol.
 The past week I have had insane contractions. They hurt, they are consistent, and I have been a good deal of pain. I can only sleep while drugged. Well, last night (12/29/2011) i came in to get checked by the doc on call because i felt that the cramps were a little more than they should be. My contractions registered on the monitor; however, my cervix wasn't up to playing ball. STUCK. so they sent me home to labor some more. I went home, ate some french fries (because for some reason that is all I want these days) and took an Ambien at 745 and slept till 4 o clock this morning.
     When I woke up at 4 I could tell that i was having much more consistent 4-5 minutes apart. So I bounced on the ball, took a shower, did my hair and make-up. When Wes woke up i told him, "we are having a baby today. I don't care if it means I jump on a trampoline while drinking Castor Oil." luckily it didnt take any jumping or drinking of castor oil (honestly i would be too much of a wimp to try it anyways lol) At 8:30am I called both my mom and my dad and let them know we were having a baby today. Both of them laughed at me. I was dead serious. I am done being pregnant. I went into my Dr's for my appt, told her about the pain and such and she said she would send me upstairs and if they needed to they would augment my labor. I was so happy the contractions and cramps didn't hurt so bad anymore. So here i sit in the hospital at a 5+ cm. 80 percent effaced...waiting to party. We have been walking and I have been bouncing on the exercise ball. We also watched the BYU bowl game. BYU won with just a few seconds left in the game. I think Mina was sending them good luck. :)
     It's 1:40 pm 12/30 and my Dr just broke my water. It felt crazy weird. It didn't hurt, it just felt weird. I sat up to finish my sentence and i felt a gush. It was pretty anti-climatic. I was expecting something much more exciting when my water broke lol. 
    At 3:45 I was still a 5+ so they gave me some petocin. i didn't need very much though because i immediately started to dilate more. My mom left at about 4:45 ish to go get a book from a store down the street and immediately had to turn around because i was complete real quickly! I knew I had to push and was ready to go. It took about 6 good pushes to get her out and she was here! she was born at 5:55pm. Weighing 7lbs 11oz and measuring at 20.5 inches. she had a wrinkly little head. she has reddish blonde hair and blue eyes (for now...hoping they stick!) i was so stinkin happy. I held it together until Wesley held her then I started bawling. He is so cute with her. i love her chin and her nose. i love the way her nostrils flare up. i love everything about my baby Mina.
     She slept pretty well the first night only waking up when hungry or with a dirty diaper. and is latching on wonderfully! She is beautiful and I can't get enough of her! Sharon Johnson came and did our birth story and we will will have those pictures soon and I can post them! I highly recommend getting a birth story. Totally non-intrusive and i am so excited to see the pics!