
Baby Sp8

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Monday, August 22, 2011

Mina Alyson--our little princess

It's A Girl!!! So exciting! I thought for sure it was going to be a boy! I am so excited to by lots of pretty pink things!!!

We have chosen the name Mina Alyson 

In German : Love
In Persian: Flower
In Norwegian (where dad served his mission): Loved Memory
In Native American: First Born Daughter
In Old English: Strong-Willed Warrior

All of these are wonderful meanings. We hope that you will be loving and kind and know that you in return are always loved. You will be as beautiful as a flower...we are sure of it. Every memory with you will be a loved memory we will never want to forget. You are the first-born daughter meaning you will have lots of responsibility for your future siblings just as i had as the oldest sister. And lastly we hope you will be a strong-willed warrior for many things. We hope and pray that you will stand up for what is right in all things and in all places. 

First and most importantly Alyson is the name of my best friend in the whole world. She is a great part of why i am who i am today. She is a very strong person and is always kind and helpful to everyone she can be. She always puts a smile on my face, just as i am sure you will. Most importantly from her i hope you have her strong love of the gospel and the need to do what is right. 

In French: Of noble kind
Old German: Noble, Exalted

You are a daughter of noble birth. You are a daughter of your Heavenly Father.  I hope you always remember that. 

We love your name and have loved it for a very long time. It has a lot of meaning to us. We can't wait for you to come!! 


  1. Oh, hey. I'm excited to be an Aunt to Little Miss Mina Alyson.

  2. Can't WAIT for baby Mina to come! Nana is going to be spoiling Mina, you know! Much love to you and Wes!
